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A Noodlenoggin’s ID

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That I did this is absentminded. That I’ve done it before is mindlessly absentminded. That I’ve done it enough to be expert at it is absentminded mindlessness to the border of the noodlenoggin domain.

When I arrive at the end of an inbound commute, I need to take my ID card from its customary place hanging around my neck, so I can reach the security mechanism for getting me into the office garage. I usually place the ID on the passenger seat as I proceed into the garage, then all too often leave the ID behind on the seat when I head from the garage into the office building, only realizing my forgetfulness when I arrive at the main security post where I again need my ID to enter the building.

And you know how I hate to backtrack, even if only losing those few minutes I don’t have. A noodlenoggin am I.

bumper sticker [] - noodlenoggin

Written by macheide

13 November 2008 at 8:00 am

Posted in noodlenoggin
